Tuesday, February 17, 2009

new bike

i've been wanting to get him a bike since he was 2. but everytime i asked him he wasnt interested. and i wanted him to crave for it, dream about it and finally feel the joy of having it. so i was determined not to buy the bike if he didnt want it.

recently he showed some interest and was willing to try on bikes. oh we tried so many models and many times on the same models. we let him chose the bike he liked and it was so hard to find the one with the right feel. hubby was teaching him about cost and benefits of each bike. we have always been telling him that though we have money, it is limited and we must be careful on how and what we spend it on. 

E was so happy after we bought the bike. he begged me to let him bike to his school (which was about 3-4km away) the next day!! bike to school to in singapore? no way. but that showed he really liked him bike. 


  1. hi, just want to drop and welcome to blogspot:)

    happy blogging for you and happy cycling for E.

  2. thanks PC ;-). good to "see" you again.
