Monday, March 2, 2009

i want to be.......

i better blog this before i forget........

last last saturday (21/3/09), while we were having lunch at cafe on the ridge at nuss, E said (without us asking) he wanted to be like his music teacher or his kindergarten teacher when he grows up. we were there for lunch before his music school and talking about how to get there if it rained.

this is the first time he tells us what he wants to be when he grows up.....i'm sure he'll change his mind along the way before deciding what he really wants (whatever that might be, as long as he's happy).


  1. not bad, he started to set his ambitions.
    yesterday my colleague just told us about his son's ambitions, which is to be "like his dad" or "to be a father".
    so cute of the way he think.

    My Chloe told us she wanted to be a Paed (Dr). Haha...

  2. wow good lah.....Pead can make lots more money than the teacher. :-)

  3. My dotter wish to become a famous singer, haha!! Buy my son always change his mind, but still stick to anything related to CAR!! I hope he can work in Ferrari office one day. :-)
