Friday, October 16, 2009

park connectors, blessing in disguise

i hated it when they started building park connectors at the canal near us. just the thought of ppl crowding the footpath..........oh, i just didnt like it. and yes, now it is crowded and i dont really like it, and besides exercise isnt one of my fav things.

but E loves it, he loves going for bike ride with his dad. he fell down a couple of times, and unlike me he just got up and on the bike again. ah boys!!

he's starting to learn about momentum from going up and down the slope of the park connector. he loves speed so its an topic of interest for him.

also now that he's picking up kiting, its a great place to kite. who would have thought, hubby is good at flying kite. even after all these years of marriage there are little surprises. :-)

so park connector is a blessing after all.

1 comment:

  1. haha I'm sure you could find more surprise on him. Hmm I like flying kite but yet bring C for it. I shall plan for this.
